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Meet Dr. Lauren Anderson - Bloomfield Hills, MI

Dr. Lauren Anderson

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Dr. Lauren Anderson

Dr. Lauren Anderson received her B.S. in Biology, D.D.S., and M.S. in Periodontics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Anderson is a Michigan Board certified Periodontist and diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology.

During her masters training, she completed her thesis on implant-related soft tissue augmentation, published research articles in reputable implant and orthodontic journals, and lectured on topics in the implant and periodontic fields. She was elected as an American Academy of Periodontology Student Ambassador and served on the Advanced Dental Education Honor System Review Committee among other positions.

Dr. Anderson is a recipient of the Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Kramer Scholar Award of Excellence, Sigurd P. Ramfjord Award for Excellence, Billy A. Smith Award, the Ben Duff Fellowship Award, Russell W. Bunting Study Club Award, and Michigan Dental Association Young Dentist Award among others.  While at the University of Michigan, she was elected as an American Academy of Periodontology Ambassador and served on the Advanced Dental Education Honor System Review Committee among other positions. In her spare time, Dr. Anderson enjoys spending time with her family and friends, playing sports, and traveling.

In her spare time, Dr. Anderson enjoys spending time with her family and friends, playing sports, and traveling.

lauren anderson with other successful leaders in field

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Dr. Andersons professional affiliations include the American Academy of Periodontology (Diplomate), American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, Midwest Society of Periodontology, American Dental Association, Michigan Dental Association, Oakland County Dental Society (Board Member), and the Washtenaw District Society Association.

Professional Affiliations



B.S. in Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

M.S. in Periodontics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Awards & Honors

Awards & Honors

Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Kramer Scholar Award of Excellence.

Sigurd P. Ramfjord Award for Excellence.

Billy A. Smith Award.

Ben Duff Fellowship Award.

Russell W. Bunting Study Club Award.

Michigan Dental Association Young Dentist Award.

Certifications & Training

Certifications & Training

Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology (highest certification in periodontics).

Michigan Board-Certified Periodontist.

Biodentistry 3.0 Certification (trained under Dr. Dominik Nischwitz).

Swiss Dental Ceramics Certification (trained under Dr. Karl Ulrich Volz, founder of Swiss Dental Solutions).

Level 1 Hyperbaric Technician Certification (International Hyperbaric Association [IHA] and International Board of Undersea Medicine [IBUM]).

Active Member, IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology).



Scholarly Articles Published By Dr. Anderson:

University of Michigan Lecture

Dr. Anderson recently traveled to the University of Michigan where she lectured to the graduate periodontics residents. She covered the new innovations in the field of periodontics as well as practice management.

dr anderson in office looking forward
dr anderson univ michigan

Multi-Disciplinary Approach Lecture

Dr Anderson recently gave a Lecture on the Multi-disciplinary approach in the diagnosis, triage, and treatment of the airway patient

dranderson confident casual headshot

How 3D Guided Implant Therapy Is Individualized For Your Case

dr anderson with susan under examining

Minimally Invasive Periodontics - The Process Matters

Dr. Anderson

Top 3 Benefits of Laser Assisted Periodontal Treatments

dr anderson with scrubsand_ dental surgery equipment

Advanced Surgical Technology - We Invest In You

dr anderson with amanda after dental procedure

Our Comprehensive Approach Looks at Both Soft and Hard Tissue

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