Scheduling regular appointments with your periodontist is important because the periodontist will be able to identify and treat abnormalities to help achieve optimal oral health.
Let’s explore some of the important symptoms to watch for when it comes to your dental health and needing to schedule an appointment with your Periodontist:
5 Reasons to Schedule an Appointment with Your Periodontist
- Missing Teeth (Edentulism)
- Mobile Teeth (Periodontal Disease)
- Receding Gums (Gingival Recession)
- Bleeding Gums
- Gummy Smile (Excessive Gingival Display)
This list may seem obvious. However, there are several people living with these types of periodontal symptoms and postponing treatment can lead to more serious health conditions.
If you are experiencing one of the periodontal issues described above please contact Dr. Anderson and her staff to see how they can help you improve your oral health. Schedule an appointment by calling (248) 480-4910 today.