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Platelet Rich Fibrin - Bloomfield Hills, MI

Experience Enhanced Healing with PRF

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Maximize Healing and Regeneration with Platelet-Rich Fibrin Therapy

Healing is a dynamic process that restores tissue by coordinating cells, biochemical signals, and extracellular matrix production. Over the last decade, advancements in periodontal regeneration have been significantly enhanced using biologics like platelet-rich fibrin (PRF).

PRF, available at Anderson Periodontal Wellness, is created from your own blood to form a fibrin clot rich in platelets, growth factors, and cytokines. This innovative treatment accelerates healing while promoting adequate bone and soft tissue regeneration.

Over the last decade, advancements in periodontal regeneration have been significantly enhanced using biologics like platelet-rich fibrin (PRF).

What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)?

Platelets in your blood are packed with growth factors that play a crucial role in stimulating new cell growth and forming blood clots to aid in wound healing. PRF is produced through a simple, three-step process that starts with drawing blood from your arm, much like a standard blood test.

The blood is spun in a centrifuge for a few minutes, separating its components. The top layer, rich in platelets and growth factors, is collected and applied to the treated gum tissue to accelerate healing.

The Benefits of PRF Treatment

PRF is primarily used to accelerate the revascularization of damaged tissues and promote bone regeneration, especially before the placement of dental implants

PRF Accelerates Tissue Repair and Bone Growth

Advancements in dentistry have led to significant improvements in platelet concentrates, including the development of advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) protocols. In dentistry, PRF is primarily used to accelerate the revascularization of damaged tissues and promote bone regeneration, especially before the placement of dental implants. PRF includes:

Healthy Healing is Essential for an Optimal Outcome!

The first step is to schedule a periodontal visit.

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