Meet our patient “JB” who presented to our office with a missing central incisor #9. JB is 39 year old female with controlled type 2 diabetes and borderline hypertension. Her chief concern was “I am embarrassed to smile, can you fill the gap? I want an implant, will it look natural? I also want to go to sleep for it, can you do that?”. Under IV sedation, Dr. Anderson placed JB’s implant and began the tissue sculpting process with a temporary crown to not only allow for a permanent tooth to fill the space but to shape the gingiva or “gum” around the implant. JB reports that her implant with Dr. Anderson was “pain free” and she now is more confident with her new smile. See above for JB’s evolution through care with Dr. Anderson.
Key: (a) initial presentation with missing #9 (b) custom temporary crown used to mold the gingiva or “gum” (c) temporary crown insertion (d) soft tissue sculpting or “papilla formation” (e) occlusal view showing triangular shape in cross section mid-root (f) “gingival scallop” creation as seen from the buccal or “front” (g) final distal view (left lateral) (h) final mesial view (right lateral).