Meet our patient KM. She presented with thin tissue and 5mm recession on her lower left central incisor #25. The area is sensitive and goes through periods with abscess and infection due to the tissue character and lack of attachment of the tissue to the root. Diagnoses are mucogingival defect (no attachment) and Cairo 2 (recession). Dr. Anderson completed a conservative graft from the palate and used a wound healing bandage made from her own blood (PRF) to place over the harvest site on the palate. This allows for faster, easier healing on the palate. KM reports minimal downtime and overall an experience far easier than she initially projected. She was surprised how natural the graft looks and feels. KM will likely retain this robust graft for a lifetime. Results of other grafting approaches for this presentation (pinhole for example) would likely diminish over time. KM was pleased to intervene once, correct the issue and have confidence in the longevity of the graft over time.