If you have dental anxiety, making an appointment to address your periodontal needs can be a challenge. These anxieties can become so severe that they make it difficult to follow through with your appointment or your treatment plan. However, sedation dentistry offers a way to help you leave your anxieties at the door and keep calm during your time in the chair.
The Benefits Of Sedation Dentistry
Sedation dentistry offers a way to clear your head of the clouds of anxiety, keeping you calm and delivering a sense of well-being.
Sit Comfortably Longer – sedation makes for a more comfortable experience when sitting through a long procedure.
Minimize Appointments – since sitting still is more comfortable while sedated, you may elect to add more procedures to a single appointment.
Control The Gag Reflex – sedation can calm an overactive gag reflex, so you are less likely to feel nausea triggered by the periodontist’s hands or tools.
Remain Conscious – with moderate conscious sedation, you can stay conscious however reside in a sleep state. The aftereffects are much less pronounced than general anesthesia performed in a hospital setting where ventilation machines breathe for you.
Amnesia – although Dr. Anderson will ensure you receive excellent care during your procedure, you’ll have little or no memory of your time in the chair.
Considerations For Sedation Dentistry
While ideal for making periodontal appointments much more comfortable, there are important requirements that must be met prior to medication administration. Most importantly, relay your full medical history to the team with all medications you have taken within the past two years. Eating or drinking is not permitted within 8 hours from of your appointment. A driver must bring you to and escort you home after your periodontal therapy.
There are two methods to safely sedate in the periodontal setting. Dr. Anderson was trained at the University of Michigan earning her Masters in Periodontics and included in her training she was certified to proficiently administer both IV and oral sedation. Advanced safely equipment is used to ensure you have an effective yet safe experience. Both forms of sedation are safe and can be tailored to your needs and sedation preferences.
With IV sedation, a benzodiazepine (versed) and narcotic (fentanyl) are delivered through an IV in the arm. The onset is rather fast, so you’ll feel relaxed quickly and your periodontist can get to work without delays.
Oral sedation is an effective alternative to IV sedation. In our office, Dr. Anderson and her team will administer the benzodiazepine medication (halcion) an hour prior to your appointment. During this time you relax in our tranquility room for the medication to take effect. There is no IV involved with oral sedation.
More On Sedation Dentistry In Bloomfield Hills, MI
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lauren Anderson by calling Anderson Periodontal Wellness at (248) 480 – 4910 to learn more about your options for sedation dentistry in Bloomfield Hills, MI.